Kako osvojiti žensko srce? Kos nakita ali kozmetike podariš in se že topimo, in letimo pred ogledalo sprobavati. Taka sem tudi sama priznam, kljub temu da sem mamica dveh otrok, še zmeraj rada lepo in urejeno stopim na ulico, v trgovino ali odidem na kavo s prijateljico. Sem zagovornica tega, da otroci niso izgovor, da se ženska zapusti!

Catrice kozmetika je že vrsto let med mojimi najljubšimi znamkami. Ponavadi nam za dober kos ličila ni težko odšteti nekaj evrov več, pri Catrice je pa čar v temu da je za katerikoli izdelek cena bombastično ugodna, ter da za to ceno dobiš extra kvaliteto. Izdelki zame so iz kolekcije v kolekcijo boljši, kjer se res maximalno potrudijo za izgled, kakovost in garancijo zadovoljstva.

V jesenski kolekciji so me očarali Catricovi izdelki s katerimi si ustvariš naravni, popolni jesenski makeup videz na hitro. Izgleda pa zapeljivo in mamljivo na prvi pogled.

#1 Senčilo za oči Aqua fresh Highlighting

Navidez elastičen-žele videz, podoba vodne strukture, enostaven za nanašanje na veke, ter zelo obstojen. Vsebuje svetlobne pigmente za čudovit kovinski zaključek.

#2 Svinčnik za oči Glam&Doll

Sicer nisem ljubiteljica eyelinerjev, ker nimam ravno mirne roke, ker se mi vedno nekam mudi, ampak tale me je prepričal v uporabo. Je enostaven za uporabo, dolgo obstojen eyeliner s fleksibilno konico v obliki tulipana.

#3 Liquid Lip powder – ultra matt

Naslednji produkt je eden moj naljubših. Zakaj? Čudovita barva, zelo obstojen kljub jedi, pitju, tuširanju,… Enostaven nanos na ustnice, in kar mi je najbolj všeč, ustnice izgledajo polne, se neizsušijo in ima čudovit puder-mat zaključek.

#4 Balzam za volumen ustnic Volumizing Lip balm

Prav tako eden izmed naljubših produktov, ki je vedno v moji torbici. Ustnice navlaži, jih ohladi in zagotovi volumen s prijetnim ščemenjem 🙂 . Vsebuje negovalno Shea maslo, ki je nepogrešljivo za negovanje.

#5 Paleta korektorjev Allround

Praktična paletka, ki vsebuje vse barve za prekrivanje nepravilnosti. Še posebej zame, ki trpim za podočnjaki 🙂 .  Preprosta za nanos, prekrije vsako nepravilnost (rdečica, podočnjaki,…), osveži obraz in njegov izgled.

#6 Lak za nohte Brown collection + Nad lak Power volume 3D

To da sem ‘fanica’ Catrice lakov sem napisala že v enem izmed prvih postov na mojem blogu. In ostajam zaprisežena uporabnica, zaradi lepega izgleda, kakovosti, široke barvne izbire ter obstojnosti. Laki iz Brown kolekcije so pa samo še česnja na vrhu torte za jesenski videz.

Z mojimi najljubši izdelki Catrice kozmetike sem ustvarila naraven, svež videz v samo 10ih minutah. Kako mi je šlo, preveri na spodnjih slikah 🙂 . Več o Catrice si preberi na tukaj, izdelke Catrice pa najdeš v skoraj vsaki večji prodajalni :). Iskrena in velika zahvala gre Nataliji Dečman.

XOXO, Dijana




How to conquer a woman’s heart? You give her a piece of jewelry or cosmetics, and we’re already melting, and running towards the mirror to try it out. I admit I am like that, even though I am a mother of two children, I still like to go pretty and tidy to the street, to the store or to a coffee with a friend. I am the advocate of the fact that children are not an excuse for a woman to neglect herself!

Catrice cosmetics is among my favorite brands of cosmetics for many years. Usually, for a good piece of makeup it’s not hard to deduct a few euros more, but with Catrice, it’s a charm in the fact that for any product the price is cozy, and that you get extra quality for it. The products for me are better from the collection to the collection, where they really do their best for appearance, quality and satisfaction guarantee.

In the autumn collection, I was fascinated by Catrice’s products where you can create a natural, perfect autumn makeup look in just a few minutes. It looks seductive and tempting at first glance.

# 1 Eye Shadow Aqua fresh Highlighting

The seemingly elastic-jelly look, the water structure, easy to apply to the eyelids, and very persistent. It contains light pigments for a wonderful metal finish.

# 2 Glam & Doll eye pencil

Otherwise, I am not a fan of eyeliner, because I do not have a steady hand because I am always in a hurry, but this has convinced me to use it. It’s easy to use, a long-lasting eyeliner with a flexible tulip tip.

# 3 Liquid Lip powder – ultra matt

The next product is one of my dear ones. Why? Beautiful color, very persistent despite eating, drinking, showering, … Easy application to the lips, and what I like the most, the lips look full, they do not dry up and it has a wonderful powder-mat finish.

# 4 Volumizing Lip Balm

It’s also one of the finest products that are always in my purse. Lips moisturize, cool them and provide volume with pleasant tingling  ?. It contains a Shea butter that is indispensable for caring.

# 5 Allround Recorder Palette

A practical pallet that contains all colors to cover the irregularities. Especially for me, who is suffering from the dark circles under eyes ?. Easy to apply, it covers any irregularity (redness, dimmer, …), refreshes the face and its appearance.

# 6 Nail polish Brown collection + Over lacquer Power volume 3D

The fact that I am a fan of Catrice’s nail polishes is already been written among my first blog posts. And I remain a sworn user, due to its good looks, quality, wide color choices and durability. Nail polishes from the Brown collection are just a garment on top of a cake for the autumn look.


With my favorite Catrice cosmetics products, I’ve created a natural, fresh look in just 10 minutes. How did it turned out, check on the pictures above ?. Learn more about Catrice here, Catrice products can be found in almost every major store 🙂 . Sincere and great thanks go to Natalia Dečman.


XOXO, Dijana






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