Še en produkt v omari. Pa kaj? Verjamem, da bi vsaka ženska, punca ali deklica imela v svoji zbirki nekaj kar izstopa od drugih in od povprečja. Zato je v moj nabiralnik nekaj dni nazaj prišla čudovita kozmetična torbica/peresnica od že znane in meni zelo kreativne osebe Nadi.

O njej in čudovitem njenem ročno izdelanem izdelku sem že pisala v nekaj postih nazaj (lahko si prebereš tukaj), in zopet me je prijetno presenetila s pošiljko, ne pa s svojo kreativnostjo, ker se zavedam da je zelo talentirana oseba. Še posebej mi je pri srcu, ker so izdelki ročno izdelani vsi, in pri vsakem je nekaj posebnega, vsak izdelek govori svojo zgodbo.

Izdelek, ki sem ga prejela je več-funkcionalen, lahko se uporabi kot kozmetična torbica, ki bi prav prišla vsaki ženski, ali kot presenica. Moja hčerka je še dosti premlada, a verjamem da bi si želela tako peresenico imeti na svoji mizi v šoli ali doma. Še jaz bi jo nosila s seboj na sestanke 🙂 .

Mislim da bodo slikce povedale več kot miljon besed. Torbico, ki je prikazana na slikah, bom podarila v nagradni igri, zato všečkaj mojo stran, in morda prav ti prejmeš čudovito ročno izdelano darilo.

FitNitbynadi najdeš na FB strani in Instagramu, kjer lahko vidiš še več čudovitih izdelkov.


Xoxo, Dijana


Another product in the closet. So what? I believe that every woman, girlfriend or girl would have in her collection something to stand out from the others and from the average. That’s why a beautiful cosmetic vanity/pencil case from the well-known and very creative person Nadi came to my mailbox a few days ago. I’ve already written about her and her wonderful handmade product in a few posts back (you can read it here), and again she surprised me with the shipment, but not with her creativity because I am aware she is a very talented person. Especially my favorite part is that the products are hand-made, and each one is something special, each product speaks its own story.

The product I received is multifunctional, it can be used as a cosmetic case, which would give a shit to every woman, or as a pupil. My daughter is still too young, but I believe that she would like to have such a pencil case on her desk at school or at home. Even I would take it to the meetings :).

I think the pictures will say more than a million words. I will give the handbag shown in the pictures in the prize game, so like my page on FB and IG, and you may receive a beautiful handmade gift.

You can find FitNitbynadi on Facebook or Instagram, where you can find more beautiful pieces.

Xoxo, Dijana


1 Comment

  1. […] *http://dijanarose.com/2017/10/02/handmade-beauty-by-fitnitbynadi/ […]

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