Danes bom pisala o kraju ki je na meni pustil lep vtis, kraj kjer sem doživela prve spomine z mojima sončkoma.
Kot sam kraj ko smo se pripeljali, sem si mislila O je lepo, nato pa se je začela enosmerna ulica, avti parkirani z leve in desne (naša Škoda karavan ni ravno majhen avto), ljudje so hodili po cesti ko ‘ovce’ in sem si mislila nebomo prišli tu skozi. Vendar moj mož izkušeni voznik :), je to elegantno izpeljal in prispeli smo do kraja dogodka. No, da povem o katerem kraju govorim.

Mesto je Crikvenica, naša končna točka pa je bilo Selce. Luštno majhno mestece oz vasica, kjer od obiskovalcev komaj kaj vidiš pred nosom. Glede na to da smo šli konec avgusta na dopust za 4 dni, je bilo ljudi ogromno. Prispeli smo do apartmaja, se ‘naselili’, se malo odpočili, mami je seveda morala vse razpakirati (pakiranje najhujša stvar verjetno vseh mam), in nato smo smuknili v kopalke in odšli na plažo. Zelo zelo pozitvna lastnost kraja in apartmaja je da je plaža dobesedno 20m stran. Za družine je to več kot idealno, ker moramo trogati od brisač, igrač, dežnikov,… Prvi vtis ko sem zagledala plažo je bil Waw, zelo lepa. Pri plitvini mivka, naprej pa drobni kamenčki kjer otroci lahko varno hodijo.
Plaža je bila polna kopalcev, največji delež obiskovalcev pa so mlade družine. Neverjetno koliko nas je bilo, sami vozičkarji. Moji otroci so uživali, šibali po vodi čeprav je bila že kar ohlajena, se igrali s lopatkami, in odkrivali skrite kotičke. S plaže imate prav tako lep pogled na Krkški most.

Za sladkanje s sladoledom nas ni skrbelo, za obroke prav tako ne. Zajtrk in večerjo smo sicer doma pripravili, kosilo pa smo si privoščili v restavracijah, ki jih verjamite okoli nemanjka. Prav tako ne barov, menjalnic, trgovin, pekarn. To mi je bilo zelo všeč, vse na enem mestu.
Preden smo se odpravili nazaj domov, se je sin z možem odpravil na plažo, midve z mojo princesko pa na kratek potep po vasici, kjer sva raziskovali, kupovali in ustvarjali spomine. Princeska je od vozičkanja zaspala, jaz pa bila navdušena nad krajem, ljudmi, prijaznostjo in arhitekturo. V samem centru Crikvenice pa imajo na vsake toliko tudi dogodke. V času našega bivanja so imeli Ribiški teden.

Bili smo 4 dni in je bilo ravno prav, no za počitek zame ravno ne ker sta moja dva sončka bila nagajiva, vendar za spremembo okolja, vdih morskega zraka in crkljanje s sončnimi žarki pa božansko izkoriščen čas.
Prvič sem bila v tem predelu Hrvaške in mi je bil zelo všeč, tudi vožnja traja cca 2,5ure kar je še tolerantno če imaš majhne otroke. Kot se že zgoraj omenila, za družine idealno dopustniško mesto (za vozičkarje dostop do vseh infrastruktur zagotovljen), otroških igrišč nemanjka, skrb za hrano, pijačo in sladkanje je pa tudi odveč 🙂

Morda se pa naslednje leto vrnemo 😀 Vsekakor pa priporočam tudi ostalim.

XOXO, Dijana



Today I will write about the place which left a good impression on me, the place where I experienced the first memories with my sunshines.
As the place where we came, I thought O was nice, then a one-way street, cars parked on left and right (our Škoda wagon is not a small car), people walked on the road like the ‘sheep’s’ and I thought we won’t come through. But my husband is an experienced driver 🙂 , he elegantly carried out and we arrived at the destination. Well, let me tell you about which city I’m talking about.

The city is Crikvenica, and our final point was Selce. A cute little town or village where from visitors you can hardly see anything in front of your noses. Considering that we went on holiday in August for 4 days, amount of people was huge. We arrived at the apartment, settled, rested a bit, and of course, the mother had to unpack everything (packing is the worst thing, probably for all mums), and then we swung into swimwear and went to the beach. The very positivity of the place and the apartment is that the beach is literally 20m away. For families, this is more than ideal, because we have to scoop out towels, toys, umbrellas, … The first impression I saw the beach was Waw, it is very beautiful. In the shallows is the sand, and onwards, fine stones where children can safely walk.
The beach was full of bathers, with the largest share of visitors being young families. Unbelievable how many of us were there, the strollers. My children enjoyed, scrambled on the water, although it was already cool, played with blades, and discovered hidden corners. From the beach, you have a beautiful view of the Krk bridge.

We did not worry about sweetening with ice cream, nor did we for the meals. Breakfast and dinner were prepared at home, and lunch was served at the restaurants of which there is no lack. Also, there is no lack of bars, currency exchange offices, shops, bakeries. I liked that very much, all in one place. Before we went back home, my son and my husband went to the beach, and I went with my princess on a short walk around the village where we were exploring, buying and creating memories. The princess fell asleep during strolling, meanwhile, I was impressed by the place, people, kindness, and architecture. In the very center of Crikvenica, there are also events on every occasion. During our stay, they had a Fishing Week.

We stayed for 4 days and it was just right, well not exactly a rest for me, because my two suns were mischievous, but for a change of the environment, the intake breath of the sea air and for cuddling with the sunshine, it was a divine time.
I was in this part of Croatia for the first time and I liked it very much, the drive takes about 2.5hours, which is still tolerant if you have small children. As mentioned above, is the ideal holiday destination for the families, (stroller access to all infrastructures is guaranteed), there are also playgrounds for children, worrying about food, drinks, and sweetening is also superfluous 🙂 .


Perhaps next year we will return: D In any case, I recommend the visit.

XOXO, Diana


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