Hello loves!

Summer is not over yet, and we still have some skin to show. Sometimes we don’t feel good in our skin, because of its appearance (orange skin). There isn’t a woman in the world that doesn’t have fat dimples under her skin, there are just other reasons for poppin’ out at some more and others less, but we all have it. It is not anymore a taboo subject among people, and I see every day how girls and women become more self-confident, and I am glad for them.

I admit I have cellulite, for a long period of time. I also have troubles with water retention and that is why my cellulite pops out even more. I have found a solution for my water retention so that is fixed, but some cellulite is still there. I got an idea, workout+product for slimming should be the perfect combination to regain my body in a seductive, role-model, beautiful shape.

Bought me a new product on the market, complimented by many people. The product is a slimming cream by Intheline Cosmetics.

Does it or will it really work I don’t know. Of course, I have a healthy meal plan, a little bit of workout and some results I think should be noticed.

What are the benefits of this cream?

  • It is scientifically proven it works
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • First results should be seen after 2 weeks of using
  • No parabens
  • It melts fat, reduces cellulite, firms skin and play a role of nurturing your skin.

I received it yesterday (21.08.), took measures to my bottom, stomach, thighs, and hips. I started with use today (22.08.).

I will report after 2 weeks if there is any effect and are the statements written above true.


XoXo, Dijana


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