Jesen je tu, v bistvu zame bolj zima. Ohladilo se je, plus deževni dnevi še dodatno znižajo temperature. Za jesenski čas veljajo prehodna oblačila, pa vendar lahko še kaj skombiniramo s poletnimi. Glede na trenutne temperature ki sledijo v naslednjih dneh nas morda prisilijo, da izvlečemo iz omare že bunde 🙂 .

Moj outfit, ki ga bom predstavila sestavljajo 3 jesenski in eden poletni kos oblačila. Kaj je posebnega? Da so skoraj vse stvari še lanska kolekcija, a če skombiniraš prav, lahko izgleda kot da je nova.


Jeans hlače nebodo nikoli šle iz mode, spreminjajo se samo kroji. Ženske jih imamo najraje, ker je kos oblačila, ki se najhitreje skombinira že z navadno majico in izgleda super. Ni važna številka hlač, ki jo nosite, pomembno je da se v njih dobro počutite in da se prilegajo vaši postavi. Nikoli nisem bila ‘fan’ ozkega jeansa oz hlač ‘na korenček’, a se na vse navadiš. Izbrala sem jih, ker izgledajo staylish na škornje. Temen jeans še lažje skobiniramo z ostalimi kosi kot svetlega, zato je odličen kos, ki je vedno v modi in pefekten za modne kombinacije.


Odlična za poletne dni, a pride prav tudi v prvih jesenskih dneh. Barva khaki je še posebej ena izmed mojih najljubših, to jesen še posebej izpostavljena v modnem svetu in v kombinaciji z jeansom je top. Kak gumbek, dva odpnemo in srajčka dobi bolj mladostni videz, prav tako pa vi.


Škornji so nepogrešljiv kos vsake jesen/zima sezone, in obvezni del garderobe vsake ženske. Pri škornjih je potrebno paziti dolžino škornja in hkrati na višino osebe (to sem se sama pri sebi naučila). Jaz, ki sem 169cm visoka visoki škornji ravno niso dobrodošli, ker me pomanjšajo. Tako sem ugotovila, da kupujem samo škornje do gležnjev oz malo nad gležnji, drugače mi skrajšajo višino in bolj razširijo v širino. Barva obutve je pa odvisna od posameznika, črne so seveda nevtralne, a tudi druge barve se lepo kombinirajo.


Hladna jutra si otoplimo z modnim trenč plaščkom. Tudi moj priljubljeni kos oblačila že mislim da 3 sezono, in še zmeraj ohranjen kot nov. Vedno in povsod pride prav.


Za modni dodatek sem si izbrala črni pas z zlato zaponko, ker zlata barva se odlično ujema z khaki barvo, ter mojega zvestega spremljevalca ročno izdelan nahrbtnik FitNitByNadi . Na podlagi obeh sem si izbrala tudi trenč plašček v črni barvi za popolno kombinacijo.

Jeans: H&M

Srajčka: H&M

Škornji: Deichmann

Trenč plašč: Marx

Pas: H&M

Nahrbtnik: FitNitByNadi






Autumn is here, basically for me more winter. It cooled down, plus rainy days further reduces temperatures. In the fall time, transient clothing is in use, but we can still combine them with some summer clothes. Depending on the current temperatures that follow in the next days, we may be forced to pull out winter coats from the cabinet :).

Today’s outfit consists of 3 autumn and one summer piece of clothing. What’s special? That almost everything is still the last year collection, but if you combine them right, it may look like it’s new.


Jeans pants never go out of fashion, only the models of it are changing. Women love them the most of all because it is a piece of clothing, which is combined with a regular shirt and looks great. It does not matter the size of trousers you wear, it is important that you feel well in them and that they fit your figure. I have never been a ‘fan’ of a narrow model or jeans on a carrot cut, but you get used to everything. I chose them because they look so stylish on boots. Dark jeans are even easier to combine with other pieces than brighter, so it’s a great piece that is always fashionable and perfect for fashion combinations.


Excellent for summer days, but it also comes good in the first autumn days. The color khaki is especially one of my favorites, this autumn is especially exposed in the fashion world and in combination with jeans is a top choice. Unbutton a button or two, and the shirt gets a more youthful look, and so do you.


Boots are an indispensable piece of every autumn/winter season, and a compulsory part of every woman’s wardrobe. With boots, you need to take care of the length of the boot and at the same time to the height of the person (I learned it on myself). I measure 169cm and tall boots are not exactly welcome because they reduce me. So I learned that I only buy boots to the ankles or a little over the ankle, otherwise they shorten my height and widen me to the width. The color of the footwear depends, on the individual, while black is, of course, neutral, but other colors are also well combined.


Let’s warm up cool mornings with a fashion trench coat. Also, my favorite piece of clothing already the 3rd season, and still preserved as new. It comes in handy everywhere and anywhere.


For the fashion accessory, I chose a black belt with a golden buckle, because the golden color matches perfectly with khaki color, and my loyal companion handmade FitNitByNadi handbag. On the basis of both, I also picked a trench coat in black for the perfect combination.

Jeans: H & M

Blouse: H & M

Boots: Deichmann

Trench coat: Marx

Belt: H & M

Backpack: FitNitByNadi


XOXO, Dijana

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