Breastfeeding. Food. Need. Love.

Those are the words that pop into my head when I think of it. It has been tabu theme for ever… Are we really that judgemental about that?

I am a mother of two beautiful children. As any mother, I would die for them, I would give them my last drop of blood, my last meal. We are like animals. Animals also feed their cubs by breastfeeding. And they do it anywhere, at any time (well when little ones are hungry). But why is it so bad, when we women do it? When only thing we want is to give nutrition to our babies. You also feed your children, kids, anywhere. In the car, restaurants, dinners, bars. On the open area. Why do you judge me, when I want to feed my child?

As any mother, I would die for them, I would give them my last drop of blood, my last meal. We are like animals. Animals also feed their cubs by breastfeeding. And they do it anywhere, at any time (well when little ones are hungry). But why is it so bad, when we woman do it? When only thing we want is to give nutrition to our babies. You also feed your children, kids, anywhere. In the car, restaurants, dinners, bars. On the open area. Why do you judge me, when I want to feed my child? It is food also, it is hydration also for them. The only difference is that I give it from a different place then plate. From breasts. From a place that everybody knows it well, how it tastes and how it looks.

Every time when someones judge me or give me an ugly look because of breastfeeding in public, I feel like they are neglecting food to my child. My babies also have a right to eat no matter the place or time.

And last Saturday I had a photo shoot for my Ipanema campaign, and I took my baby girl with me. She was so nice and patient, but at the end of the shooting, she got hungry 🙂 The final location of the photo shoot was in the park of Zupančičeva Jama in Ljubljana, and like I said before, no matter the place or time my baby was fed.

So if you see me anywhere don’t look away. Breastfeeding is a natural need and privilege of our babies.

Let’s not live in stone age.

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