

Včasih življenje vzamemo premalo resno, in se nezavedamo ravno vsak dan, vsako sekundo da danes smo tukaj, jutri nas morda že nebo več. Vse dokler nam en sam dogodek nespremni mnenja in pogleda na svet. Ko ta dogodek mine se sprašuješ kaj bi storil drugače, kaj bi lahko še storil, zakaj nisi tega storil, zakaj ravno tebi? Premlevaš vsako sekundo in vsak dan, v notranjosti te razjeda, v prsih tesnoba, v mislih črnina in v srcu občutek krivde namesto ljubezni. Opaziš da morda premalo pozornosti posvečamo določenim osebam, in jim premalo krat rečemo vsak dan Rada te imam. Žalostno a tako je.

Prejšni teden sem imela ravno tak dogodek, nezgodo s hčerko. Padla je in se poškodovala. Hvala bogu ni bilo nič hujšega, po parih urah je že bila tista punčka kot je doma, a še zmeraj prestrašena in v šoku kot jaz. Ostale sva v bolnici na opazovanju za vsak slučaj, a je vsak dan bila bolj živahna in vse bolj atraktivna medicinskemu osebju. Moja mala punčka, zamenjala bi takoj položaj z njo. Od tistega trenutka naprej se mi vsak dan porajajo vprašanja, in vsi ti občutki, ki sem jih navedla zgoraj , ki ti nedajo miru ne podnevi ne ponoči. Predajaš svoje misli razmišljanju in tuhtanju, kaj lahko storiš da bi bil boljši starš. Se zavedam, da nemoreš imeti vsega pod kontrolo, se zavedam da se lahko zgodi, a vseeno zakaj se mora zgoditi oziroma se je zgodilo ravno meni. Moja mala princeska mi ne zameri nič, a si zamerim jaz sama sebi.

Vsak dan, in ob vsaki priložnosti objemite svoje najbližje in tudi tiste, ki vam niso tako blizu. Namenite jim lepo besedo, pogled in iskren nasmeh. Zavedajte se da je življenje minljivo, in naredite vsak dan nekaj zase in družino.

Hvala vsem iz srca, ki ste bili ob meni v težkih trenutkih!


XOXO, Dijana




Sometimes we take too little life seriously, and we don’t realize that every day, every second that we are here today, tomorrow we maybe won’t be here anymore. As long as a single event gives us unprecedented opinions and looks at the world. When this event passes, you wonder what else you would do, what else you could do, why didn’t you do it, why exactly to me? You sweep every second and every day, on the inside of this ulcer, in the chest anxiety, in the mind is all black, and in the heart a sense of guilt instead of love. You see that we may pay too little attention to certain people, and we don’t say too many times to them I love you. Sadly, that’s how it is.

Last week, I had just such an event, an accident with my daughter. She fell and got hurt. Thank God it was no worse; after a couple of hours she was already the girl as she is at home, but still frightened and in shock like me. We stayed in the hospital for observation just in case, but every day she was more lively and more attractive to medical staff. My little girl, I would change the position immediately with her. From that moment forward, everyday questions in my mind, and all those feelings that I mentioned above that don’t give you peace at daylight or at night. You give your thoughts to thinking and tucking what you can do to be a better parent. I realize that you can not have everything under control, I realize that it can happen, but it’s frustrating why it must happen or why did it happen to me. My little princess does not resent me anything, but I resent myself.

Every day, and at every opportunity, hug your loved ones and those who are not so close to you. Give them a nice word, a look and a sincere smile. Be aware that life is short-lived, and make sure you do something for yourself and your family every day.

Sincerely Thanks to everyone that have been with me in difficult moments.

XOXO, Dijana

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