Mlada mamica, mamica v zrelih letih? Eden otrok, dva, ali trije? Je sploh pomembno število otrok ali številka naših let za dober izgled? Že v prejšnjem blog zapisu sem zapisala, da sem zagovornica izreka: “Da biti mama ni izgovor, da se zapustiš”. Sem ponosna mamica dveh otrok, kljub temu se še vedno rada počutim zapeljivo, in z užitkom urejena stopim med ljudi kjerkoli. Dobro pustimo dejstvo, da za vikend je prisotno čisto nasprotje od urejenosti (2x prevelika trenirka, ohlapna majica, športni moderc, frizura kot da je petarda počila).

Zaradi vsega napisanega sem se odločila, da predstavim outift, ki morda za katero fashion gurmanko ni najboljši, je pa udoben, barvit in bi pasal vsaki. Nosila sem ga na otroškem bazarju, kjer sem prejela kar nekaj pohval 🙂 Uživajte.

XoXo, Dijana


  • Jakna: C&A
  • Jeans: H&M
  • Top: Takko
  • Platform čevlji: H&M
  • Očala: Aofly
  • Torbica: Armani Jeans



Young mommy, mommy in the mature years? One child, two, or three? Is it important the number of children you have or the number of our years for a good look? Already in the previous blog post, I wrote that I am the advocate of the saying: “To be a mother is no excuse to neglect yourself.” I am proud mommy of two children, nevertheless, I still like to feel seductive, and with pleasure, I walk in tidy among people anywhere. Let’s us leave the fact that there is a clear contrast to a tidiness for a weekend (2x oversized tracksuit, loose t-shirt, sports bra, hairstyle as if a firecracker exploded).

Because of everything I wrote, I decided to introduce an outfit, which may be for fashion gourmet, not the best choice, but it is comfortable, colorful and would pass on to everyone. I wore it on a children’s bazaar, where I received some praises. Enjoy 🙂

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