Odločila sem se da vam predstavim svojih magičnih 5 izdelkov za telo in kožo. Kot ste mogoče zasledile, sem dvakrat rodila, in že pri prvi nosečnosti je moja koža bila šokirana s strani hormonov, raztegovanja in z zastojem vode v telesu. Pridobila sem tudi 23kg in sem izgledala kot kit. Velika zahvala mojemu stanju gre tudi soncu, ker sem imela dan poroda v Avgustu. Če si bila noseča, potem veš o čem govorim in kako sem/smo se počutile. Če pa še nisi bila, potem pa ti želim nosečnost kot sem jo imela jaz v drugo.  Seveda se je moja koža ponovno raztegnila, predvsem v predelu trebuha (čudn 🙂 ), ostali deli telesa pa so začuda ostali enaki. Moja koža je dobila posebe sijaj, brez mozoljev-aken vendar malce mastna. Vendar vsaka stvar ima svoj zaključek 🙂

Nosečnost se je končala, moja punčka je sedaj stara 7 mesecev, in seveda v tem času sem poizkusila več različnih produktov, ki bi mojo kožo ponovno balansirali v prvotno stanje. In mi je uspelo najti prave. Največja skrivnost je da so naravni, vseh pet produktov je organskega izvora.

Pa poglejmo kateri so to?

  1. ELEMIS Gentle Rose Exfoliator. Beseda exfoliator odkrije da gre za peeling. Mikro okrogli delci Jojobe so pomešani z hidratantnim rožnimi delci za nežen piling kože, ki jo pusti nežno, gladko in svilnato mehko na dotik. Prednosti uporabe so: *Koža postane gladka, * Diši neverjetno dobro, *Osveži kožo.
  2. JOJOBA KREMA s čistim izvlečkom jojobe, kostanja in limonine trave. In naj vam povem da je odlična. Peelingi znajo izsušiti kožo, zato je nanašanje kreme zame nebesa, še posebej naravne. Prednosti uporabe: *je lahka, *diši zelo lepo, * navlaži kožo.
  3. AFRODITA MANDLJEVO OLJE za nego strij, ki sem jih pridobila v obeh nosečnostih. Mandljevo olje je super izbira in tudi globalno je znano, da je učinkovit zmanjševalec strij in odličen za nego kože pred-med-po nosečnosti. Je naravno z dodanim vitaminom E. Uporablja pa se lahko tudi kot odstranjevalec makeupa. Priporočam 🙂
  4. BIOBAZA 3V1 Pri tem produktu je super, ker lahko prihraniš nekaj denarja. Zakaj? Ker je 3v1 in se uporablja kot za telo tako tudi za lase. Jaz imam sicer dolge lase, in dojenček ob dojenju črpa zaloge vitaminov, kar se pozna tudi na mojih laseh. Lasje so suhi, brez sijaja ter razcepljeni. Poskusila sem par šamponov, vendar želenega rezultata ni bilo. Nato sem nekega dne v DM drogeriji zagledala privlačno embalažo s sliko lavande in shea masla, prebrala sestavo in opis ter kupila za probo. Preizkusila sem ga še isto noč in rezultat me je navdušil. Moji lasje so bili sijoči, polnega in zdravega videza in čudovitega vonja. Izraz na obrazu je bil nepopisen, našla sem pravega 🙂
  5. In zadnji produkt, ki sestavi celotno sliko, je BIOBAZA naravni deo (shea maslo & Jojoba). Oh, kako samo diši, obožujem ga. Najboljši nakup, ne samo zaradi vonja, ampak tudi zaradi dolge obstojnosti. Drži cel dan, in če ima kdo težave s potenjem je idealna izibra.

Tako dame, to je mojih magičnih 5 produktov. Če se kdaj odločim za bebija št.3, vem katere produkte izbrati 🙂

Če si poskusila katerega od teh mi sporoči svoje mnenje 🙂






So I decided to present you my Magic 5 products for my body and my skin.

I was pregnant twice, and during my first pregnancy, my skin was shocked with the effect of hormones, stretching, and retention of water. I gain 23kg and looked like a whale. A big influence on my condition had the sun because my due date was in August.

If you were pregnant you can understand how I felt and what I am talking about. And if you weren’t I wish you pregnancy like was my second. Yes, my skin also got stretched mostly on belly area, but the other parts of body stayed basically the same. My skin had that special glow, no acnes, it was tight, smooth but still oily. But everything comes to an end 🙂

So the pregnancy was finished, my baby is now 7 months old, and of course, during that time I was trying different products that can balance my skin tone again to basic. And I found them. The main secret is NATURAL. All of the five products are based on organic and natural origin.

Let’s see which are my magic five?

  1. ELEMIS Gentle Rose Exfoliator. The word exfoliator reveals that is a peeling. Micro-spherical Jojoba beads are blended with hydrating Rose Absolute to gently exfoliate the surface of the skin leaving it silky smooth and soft to the touch. The advantages of its using it:*Makes your skin smooth, *Smells incredibly good *Refreshes your skin.
  2. 2. JOJOBA CREAM with pure jojoba oil, chestnut, and lemon grass. And let me tell you it is amazing. The exfoliator sometimes leaves your skin dry, that’s why for me putting this all natural cream on is heaven. It is *light, *smells good, and it *moisturizes your skin.
  3. 3. For stretch marks that I got during pregnancy (even when I was using oils and creams), I found a solution and it is the best for me. Almond oil is globally known as a reducer of stretch marks before-during-after pregnancy. So I use natural almond oil with vitamin E from Afrodita cosmetics. It can also be used as a makeup remover (also does the job). I do recommend.
  4. BIOBAZA 3in1: Hmm, the best thing about this product is that you can save money by buying it. You wonder why? Because it can be used both for body or hair. I have long hair and of course, a baby is eating from your cells. It pumps every vitamin from you, and that left my hair completely dry, without any sparkle or shine, with divided hair tips. Tried few of shampoos but nothing. Then one day I was at the store and I saw a unique look of a bottle with a cute picture of lavender and shea butter. I read and I said let try it. Came home, I used it that same night and I was blown away. My hair was full, shiny, looked healthy and smelled incredible. I was so happy, finally found the one.
  5. And last, that completes the whole picture is BIOBAZA Natural deo (Shea butter & Jojoba). Oh my god what a smell, I love it! Best choice ever, not just because of the smell, but it is really really long-lasting. Keeps you fresh for at last a half of the day. If you have trouble with sweating it is the perfect choice for you.

So there you have it, those are my MAGIC 5 products after giving birth to 2 babies. If someday I decide to have baby no.3, I know for sure which products to use.

If you are using any of this products, let me know your opinion. 🙂

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