Jesenski look iz samo 3 kosov, zakaj pa ne? Nato pa samo še kot dodatek preprosta frizura, par očal na obraz in že si pripravljena na prijetno popoldansko sprehajanje po mestu. Outfit je tako preprost, da so besede odveč. Zakaj sem se odločila za predstavitev le-tega? Enostavno mi je všeč, gležnarji in ‘oversize’ puloverji so to jesen v svetu mode IN. Kombiniraš jih lahko na hlače, krila ali pa kot samostojno oblačilo. Nekako me zadnje čase zanima bolj ‘edgy’ style in bi lahko rekla da je/bo to moj osebni stil, stil ki izhaja iz notranjosti.



Pulover: Simplee store
Gležnarji: Deichmann 
Torbica: H&M
Očala: Aofly 






Autumn look from only 3 pieces, why not? A simple hairstyle, a pair of glasses on the face, a minimalist handbag that is not in the way and you are ready for a pleasant afternoon walk around the city. The outfit is so simple that words are superfluous. Why did I decide to present it? I just like it, ankles and ‘oversize’ sweaters are this falls in the mode of fashion IN. You can combine them with pants, skirts or as an only garment. Somehow I am interested in a more ‘edgy’ style lately, and I could say that this is / will be my personal style, a style that stems from the inside.




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