Pozdravljene ♥

Približno mesec dni sem iskala svoj popolni plašč in nisem imela toliko sreče. Preverila sem vse trgovine, spletne trgovine, vendar nobeden od ponujenih mi ni padel oči. In sem že skoraj obupala do dne, ko sem iskala nekaj v naši rezervni omari, kjer shranjujem sezonske obleke, in tam je visel. Vzela sem ga, poskusila in se zaljubila. Preprosto ljubim svoj novi jesensko/zimski plašč, ker je moden, topel in ‘oversize’. Zaanimivo dejstvo je pa to, da je plašč od mojega moža :). In ja, ni me sram nositi moško oblačilo.

XOXO, Dijana


 ZARA trench coat (similar HERE)
H&M jumper (similar from MANGO HERE)
H&M leather leggings (similar from MANGO HERE)
Deichmann ankle boots (similar from ASOS HERE)
Armani Jeans bag



I was looking for about a month a perfect coat, and I wasn’t so lucky. I have checked all the stores, online stores, but none of them caught my eye. And I gave up until one day when I was looking for something in our spare closet where I keep season clothes, and there it was hanging. I took it out, tried it and fell in love. I simply love my new autumn/winter coat from Zara. It is fashionable warm and oversized. And the interesting fact about it is that the coat is my husbands 🙂 . And yes, I am not ashamed to put on a men’s piece of clothing.

XOXO, Dijana


  1. Wow, se sploh ne opazi, da je moški model. Super ti pristaja in tale puloverček je res čudovit.


  2. Kaj pa barva pulovra :O Top!

  3. dijana@coralic.si says:

    Ja res nebi noben rekel da je moški model ?. Hvala ❤️ xxxx

  4. dijana@coralic.si says:

    Barva je noro lepa, ena mojih najljubših ?xx

  5. Wau, kako lep outfit in ti! 🙂 najbolj pa mi pade v oči torbica, just wow.
    J. ♡

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