Spomnim se kot da je bilo včeraj, in ta dan si bom zapomnila za vedno. Verjetno se sprašujete zakaj? Nimam te sreče, da bi imela poleg sebe instahubby-ja, ki bi me spremljal povsod in ustvarjal nešteto popolnih slik za socialna omrežja. Morda pa to tudi ni taka sreča? Uglavnem, bil je torek, moj prosti dan, ki sem ga že nestrpno čakala. Že par dni prej me je povabil na kosilo v …


IPANEMA? What is the first association of that word when you say it? Probably flip flops, am I right? Since I became Ipanema girl of this year, I started thinking how to present them, so people will not see them as another ordinary footwear. I want to show you that flip flops can also be worn on more serious outfits if you combine them well. Allow me to present you …

Grazia.si | Dijana Rose | Želim navdihniti ženske, da sledijo svoji strasti.jpg


IPANEMA GIRL 2017 WAU 🙂 I am so proud and happy to share this with you. Fashion magazine Grazia came out last week and inside the magazine was published fashion story with me winning the title Ipanema girl 2017. How was on the set of photo shoot you can read here. Yesterday I visited shopping mall Supernova and of course, I went straight ahead to Ipanema shop. I wasn’t surprised …