Z vsakim letnim časom pridejo v mojo omaro novi kosi oblačila, z njimi pa tudi novi pari obutve. Od nekdaj sem rada nosila črne obleke. Črna barva je vedno moderna, če želiš prikriti kak kilogram je črna barva prava izbira, in kombiniraš lahko z katerkoli drugo barvo. Nekaj dni nazaj sem na online strani H&M trgovine zagledala čudovite špičaste balerinke za samo 10€. Sem se obotavljala bi vzela ali ne, a na koncu sem si rekla zakaj pa ne? Barva je jesenska, dokaj nevtralna (vintage pink), kombnirati ni težko, in še zelo udobne so.

Tokrat predstavljam čisto dnevni casual outfit za udobnost dneva.

Jeans: H&M
Bomber jakna: H&M
Balernike: H&M
Pulover: H&M
Šal: H&M



Every season brings to my wardrobe new clothes, and with them new pairs of footwear. I’ve always loved to wear black clothes. The black color is always modern, if you want to hide a kilo, the black color is the right choice and you can combine it with any other color. A few days ago, on the online site of the H & M store, I saw wonderful sparkling ballerinas for just € 10. I was deciding to take it or not, but in the end, I said why not? The color is autumn, the color is neutral (vintage pink), the combinations are not difficult, and they are very comfortable.

This time I present a pure daily casual outfit for the comfort of the day.


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