Trud, fokus in determinacija so ključni elementi do uspeha. Svojo blogersko pot sem začela pred cca 6 meseci, in v tem času napredovala iz dneva v dan. Nisem tip blogerke, ki bi prosila za brezplačne vzorce podjetja, in moj cilj od prvega dne ni bil to. Sem tip osebe, ki rada sama doseže stvari in zastavljene cilje na različnih področjih, prav tako v življenju. Vsak dan sem se trudila za boljši …


Did you ever get a mail that your mouth just dropped? You couldn’t breath for a second, you didn’t get it right that moment what happened. You get absorbed into your phone, because of few incredible words. Well, that happened to me… Last week I got an email that came unexpectedly, little bit life and rhythm changing, but in a positive way. An email came from the executive editor of …